Monday, 27 November 2017

Training week #2 at EPFL

Salut everyone!

Last week we have had the second Training Week within Infrastar. It took place at EPFL this time.

This was a great chance to talk to other ESRs and to open new fields of cooperation.

With Antoine I will be working on using his fibre optics in reinforced UHPFRC beams.

With Morteza we'll focus on planning the optimal campaign for short-therm monitoring of structures. The poster on this topic will be presented by ourselves during first Implementation Day at BASt symposium in Cologne, DE (more info here).

After the training week, full of new knowledge and ideas I am going back to work.

Stay tuned!

End of the year, end of the PhD

 Hello everyone, I didn't write for quite some time - and it has been a busy time. Since my last post, I have managed to:  submit the do...